Strategic Objective 1
Promote compliance with international and regional human rights related treaties.
- Monitor implementation and compliance with international and regional human rights treaties.
- Strengthen engagements with human rights structures at international and regional level – including the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC); the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI); the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR); the African Court; the African Union Commission; and the Commonwealth Forum for Human Rights.
- Support and engage with international and regional human rights mandate holders.
- Dissemination of reports to and from international and regional structures.
- Strengthen engagements with broader stakeholders such as civil society, media and academia
Strategic objective 2
Advance the realisation of human rights
- Responsive to human rights concerns.
- Conduct research and analysis on human rights complaints and trends.
- Advocating for adherence of legislation with human rights based approaches
Strategic Objective 3
Deepen the understanding of human rights to entrench a human rights culture.
- To expand visibility of the Commission and raise awareness to enhance understanding of human rights and promote a human rights culture.
- Effective advocacy for adoption of human rights based positions and approaches.
- Intensify human rights and people based capacity building activities, and education and awareness raising efforts through outreach engagements at public and community levels to empower people to effectively realise their rights.
- Ensure accessibility of human rights educational material in different formats and languages.
- Comprehensive communications strategy including all media (print, electronic, and social media, underpinned by a functional website.
- Effective internal institutional communication.
Strategic Objective 4
Ensure fulfilment of constitutional and legislative mandates.
- Monitor compliance with the constitution on economic and social rights, in particular the measures taken by the state towards the realisation of economic and social rights.
- Monitor compliance with the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act.
- Monitor compliance with the Older Person’s Act.
- Monitor compliance with the Promotion of Access to Information Act.
- Ensure institutional compliance with the Public Finance Management Act.
- Engage with Parliament for annual reporting.
Strategic Objective 5
Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Commission to support delivery on the mandate.
- Review and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of governance structures.
- Institutional support and review of administrative systems, policies and processes to improve functionality.
- Comprehensive human resources management planning.
- Design and develop comprehensive monitoring and evaluation systems and processes.