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Media Statement: SAHRC and SALGA commit to joint efforts to strengthen the observance of human rights by the sphere of local government

Attention: Editors and Reporters
7 February 2019

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC or Commission) and the South African Local Govenment Association (SALGA) have formally recorded a collaborative agreement which will see both bodies strengthen a rights based approach in the work and ethos of local government.

SALGA which was created to lobby, advocate, protect, capacitate and professionalise the local government sphere, will be working closely with the SAHRC to strengthen both policy frameworks and practise in respect of the observance of basic human rights. The bodies intend to give basic socio economic rights such as access to water and sanitation, and other cross cutting rights, such as public participation and access to information, a priority in their joint plan of action.

The SAHRC released its 2016/2017 Annual Trends Analysis Report on 10th December 2018 which documents trends in complaints brought to the Commission. The complaints trends across all provinces in the country indicate that many communities and individuals experience serious challenges in accessing basic services. The violation of such rights, by their very nature, limit the enjoyment of other basic rights such as the right to health and dignity.  Thus, to enhance and facilitate efficient and effective collaboration between the Commission and the sphere of local government, which is not only at the coalface of providing basic services to the communities, but is also constitutionally bound to serve communities, the SAHRC and SALGA entered into a formal agreement in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signed on the 7th February 2019. The MoA will see the implementation of a series of joint actions over the next 3 years which focuses on sensitisation, engagement on policy, early dispute resolution and matters of compliance.

The combined SAHRC/SALGA effort is in recognition by both institutions of the need to cooperate and is in compliance with the United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution adopted on 27 September 2018. The Resolution recognises the crucial role played by  local government in providing the public with basic services that address local needs and priorities related to the realisation of human rights at the local level. The Resolution further encourages collaboration between the sphere of local government and stakeholders, such as national human rights institutions (NHRIs), to ensure the promotion and protection of human rights at the local level. The MoA is thus anchored on the belief that through collective action, the national development plan and  the sustainable development goals to which South Africa has committed itself to, will become a living reality.

The SAHRC is optimistic that this collaboration will be a value add to local government, reduce costly litigation, and greatly benefit communities, resulting in overall improvements in the quality of life and a rights oriented, strong local government in line with the Constitution.

Ends – Issued by the South African Human Rights Commission
Gail Smith – Spokesperson Tel: 060 988 3792 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gushwell Brooks – Communications Co-ordinator Tel: 082 645 8573 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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