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Media Statement: Partners Commemorate International Human Rights Day, the signing of the Constitution, the 25th Anniversary of the SAHRC and 20th Anniversary of Chief Justice Ismail Mohamed on 10th December 2020

Attention: Editors and Reporters

Tuesday, 8th December 2020

The 10th December 2020, marks an auspicious day when the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the South African Human Rights Commission, The Project Justice Trust and Constitution Hill are joining in a partnership to observe International Human Rights Day - to commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the signing of the South African Constitution into law in 1996, the 25th  anniversary of the SAHRC and the 20th year since the passing of the first black Chief Justice in post-Apartheid South Africa, the late Chief Justice Ismail Mohamed.

Now that we reach the end of the year 2020, the 10th of December gives us an opportunity to reflect on the single largest issue that dominated the year and its impact on human rights, the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has had a tremendous, global impact, leading to global measures which aimed to limit contact and movement amongst people, in an effort to curb the spread of this virulent virus. With nearly 70 million people infected with the illness and more than 1,5 million deaths globally, the world has not been this severely impacted by  a single pandemic in more than a century. The impact of the pandemic on human rights, such as health rights, the right to freedom and security of the person, the right to privacy, freedom of expression and socio-economic rights, came into sharp focus, due to the decline in economic activity.   Therefore, this year’s International Human Rights Day will be commemorated under the international theme:  Build Back Better- Putting Human Rights at the Core of Recovery.

The partners will host a hybrid event on a virtual platform that will be live streamed on the partners’ social media platforms for wider reach. The sessions will be interactive as participants will be able to post questions and messages on the chat box for the speakers and facilitator.  In compliance with social distancing measures, no more than 50 (fifty) people will physically participate in the event at Constitution Hill. The physical part of the event is intended to cater for the signing and handover of copies of the monograph to distinguished guests. The monograph is to mark the 20th anniversary of the passing of Chief Justice Ismail Mohamed. The monograph consists of key jurisprudence, essays and tributes in his honour by fellow eminent jurists.   

The delegates will include representatives from a broad range of institutions and organs of state, including representatives of regional and international human rights bodies, national government, Parliament, the judiciary, Chapter 9 and 10 bodies as well as civil society formations. The event will also be accessible to communities and the general public as the main beneficiaries that the Constitution and the partners aim to serve. The program will also celebrate the nation’s diverse culture through cultural items.

The partners to the commemoration of the event invite all throughout South Africa, who are able to, to join in the commemoration. The link for registration for the digital celebration, which will be held from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM, on the 10th December 2020, is:  



Issued by the South African Human Rights Commission

Gushwell Brooks – Communications Co-ordinator Tel: 082 645 8573 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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