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Media Advisory: SAHRC Eastern Cape to host a calendar day on International Albinism Awareness Day

28 July 2022

Attention: Editors and Reporters

International Albinism Awareness Day is a calendar day that is commemorated annually to bring awareness on the plight of persons living with albinism globally. The SAHRC Eastern Cape provincial office has noted through media reports and from complaints received, that persons living with albinism face an infinite number of challenges such as being subject to discrimination and a lack of assistance from various government departments. Albinism is still profoundly misunderstood, socially and medically. This leads to various forms of stigma. The manner in which discrimination faced by persons living with albinism manifests itself, and its severity, varies from region to region. The SAHRC Eastern Cape provincial office has identified that persons with albinism face challenges of lack of access to education, health services and social assistance.

The Commission intends to commemorate International Albinism Awareness Day to ventilate the challenges faced by the community of persons living with albinism in the province.

The Commission will also hold an information sharing session followed by a question and answer session with affected communities, government departments, organization and institutions. This engagement will assist in identifying further challenges faced by the community of persons living with albinism and to identify the various forms of interventions needed. The equality court will be popularized as a form of recourse when discriminated against based on colour due to contrast in pigmentation of persons living with albinism.

The engagement will be held as follows:
Date: 28th of July 2022
Time:  10H00 – 13H00
Venue: Great Kei Disability Multipurpose Centre (Moiplaas)

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For further information, contact the SAHRC Acting Provincial Manager, Adv Loyiso Mpondo@ 043 722 7828/or email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Advocacy and Research Officer, Zukiswa N Mqakanya @ 043 722 7828 or email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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