Whilst conducting service delivery monitoring activities in and around eHlanzeni District, the Commission identified a challenge of inequitable distribution of water attributable to various factors including illegal water connections. The common causes of the illegal connections include inter alia: lack of water provision in certain areas; illegal invasion of land; lack of proper water reticulation systems in some areas; lack of synergy and collaboration between local municipalities and tribal authorities. The aforesaid lack of water reportedly results in municipal water being illegally sold to residents by private water vendors and municipal officials.
The objectives of the engagement are to establish from the municipalities in eHlanzeni District whether they have any strategies in place to deal with illegal water connections and the commodification of municipal water as well as the extent to which the strategies are implemented. It is further aimed at creating a platform for stakeholders to engage on strategies aimed at ensuring sufficient supply of water to communities in line with the Constitution.
The stakeholder engagement is scheduled to take place as follows:
- Date: Monday, 30 September 2024
- Time: 10:00 am
- Place: Mecure Hotel, Mbombela
For further information or enquiries, please contact: SAHRC Mpumalanga Provincial Manager, Mr. Eric Mokonyama (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Senior Legal Officer, Mr Mpho Seanegoila (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) on 013 – 752 5890/078 670 4360