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SAHRC to assist Martha Marais seek compensation over hospital abuse

03 June 2019

Footage emerged on social media last week which showed the 76-year-old lying on the floor of the hospital with her hands tied to a chair.

JOHANNESBURG – The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) says it will be assisting Martha Marais’ family to see if they can get compensation from the Gauteng Health Department and Mamelodi Hospital.

Footage emerged on social media last week which showed the 76-year-old lying on the floor of the hospital with her hands tied to a chair.
The department said that four people have been placed on special leave pending an investigation into their conduct.
Health MEC Bandile Masuku and the commission visited Marais on Sunday to apologise for the ordeal.

The SAHRC is adamant that Marais deserves to be compensated for the trauma that she went through.
The commission's Buang Jones says they will approach the Gauteng Health department for a settlement.
“And our instructions are to seek compensation and there are a number of orders that we’re seeking and the commission is very amenable to facilitating a settlement between the family and the department of health.”
Jones said this serves as a deterrent to medical practitioners not to mistreat the elderly.
“Given the fact that what we observed implicates a number of rights, including a right to human dignity and the right to freedom and security of the person. No one should be subjected to any inhuman or degrading treatment.”
Jones said that they are confident they have a strong case.

Source: EWN

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