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SACP sends deepest condolences on the death of people’s lawyer Priscilla Jana

12 October 2020

The South African Communist Party (SACP) sends its deepest condolences to the family of Priscilla Jana, who died on Saturday 10 October 2020, aged 76. Popularly known as a peoples’ lawyer, Jana, a human rights lawyer, selflessly represented many political prisoners during the apartheid era, most notably Solomon Mahlangu who was hanged by the apartheid regime.

When she opened her own law practice in 1979, it had a specific focus on civil liberties and human rights, thus putting her entire career on the line.

Priscilla Jana’s role as deputy chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission, a position she held until her death, marked a continuation of her passion to ensure the fulfilment of equal rights for all – politically, economically and otherwise.
The stories of anti-apartheid struggle heroes have not been chronicled successfully. In memory of Priscilla Jana and all our stalwarts, the SACP calls for a deepened and targeted narration and recording, as well as publicization of the lives and works of our stalwarts. In an age when the dumbing down of the sacrifice of our stalwarts to bring about a constitutional democracy, spearheaded by the dominant neoliberal narrative, is deepening, it is crucial that our government, as well as our revolutionary forces, take the initiative to properly record and publicise our history. One of the consequences of the wrong narration of our history is the weakening of class consciousness among the youth of our country, which is already showing its colours in some quarters.

In addition, our democratic government remains endowed with the duty to uplift the economic standards of our former stalwarts, including those of former uMkhonto WeZiswe (MK) combatants. Our MK combatants deserve to receive their true honour as they sacrificed their whole lives for the defeat of the apartheid regime and the ushering of the country into democracy.

Source: SACP

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