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SAHRC to hold urgent meeting with DBE over incomplete Tembisa school

01 March 2021

JOHANNESBURG - The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) in Gauteng has confirmed that an urgent meeting is planned on Tuesday morning to find out why construction at the Mayibuye Primary School in Tembisa has not been completed.

Eyewitness News reported last week that five years after the construction of the school began, the project appears to be far from completion.

After giving different explanations over the delay, the provincial infrastructure is now passing the buck to the Department of Basic Education, saying it had requested structural changes that would require more money.

READ MORE: Tembisa residents beg govt to open unfinished school

Last year, the commission met all involved and undertakings were made but to date, government has failed to act.

SAHRC chairperson Buang Jones said: “We have raised concerns in the past about poor project management in relation to this matter.”

ALSO READ: DA calls for those behind Mayibuye Primary School opening delay held accountable

The Democratic Alliance said the infrastructure portfolio committee in the Gauteng legislature would meet later this month to discuss what happened while R30 million was been sourced to complete the school.

Government has so far spent more than R88 million.

Source: EWN

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