22 January 2023
The South African Human Rights Commission released its final report this week, finding that the claims were unsubstantiated.
JOHANNESBURG - Trade union, Solidarity, said that it hopes that the outcome of the South African Human Rights Commission’s (SAHRC) investigation into claims of racism at Laerskool Schweizer-Reneke serves as a lesson.
The commission released its final report this week, finding that the racism claims were unsubstantiated.
They came on the back of a photograph of black and white children at the school seated at separate tables, which went viral.
It has since emerged that the children were split up according to their language needs.
In its report, the commission also found that then-Education MEC Sello Lehari’s public naming and shaming of the teacher who took the photograph, Elana Barkhuizen, infringed on her rights, and ordered his successor to issue an apology.
Solidarity has been supporting Barkhuizen over the last four years.
Solidarity has been supporting Barkhuizen over the last four years.
“Hopefully this will teach a lesson to everyone in South Africa to not jump to conclusions, before we know the facts of the matter and especially politicians - who abused their power not only to endanger Ms Barkhuizen’s pupils, herself and her family...to think twice before trying to destroy someone’s life due to false allegations of racism,” said the organisation’s Connie Mulder.
Source: EWN