The Democratic Alliance has handed over a dossier to the to the South Africa Human Rights Commission containing what it claims is “racist and derogatory” comments made by Truman Prince, Beaufort West Mayor.
The DA handed over more than a dozen affidavits to the SAHRC, which contains claims that Prince referred to members as “stupid monkeys” and mocked a wheelchair-bound supporter.
Shena Fernandez, of the party, said: “He rode with his loudhailer all through Beaufort West, and he used the vilest language to discard anyone who supports the DA on a public platform.
“It’s inappropriate; why do we have Chapter 2 of the Bill of Rights to protect people’s dignity? To allow them to have freedom of association,” Fernandez added.
He responded, dismissing the claims made by the party.
“The DA is totally obsessed with Truman Prince. I’m not racist. I am a conglomeration of all the races; I am the rainbow nation which Nelson Mandela called South Africa. My family tree is a conglomeration of all the nations.”
Source: SA Breaking News