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South African pastor feeds congregants ‘Engine Cleaning Fluid’

18 January 2017
A South African pastor namely Prophet Theo Bongani Maseko, allegedly made his congregants drink ‘Engine Cleaning Fluid’ in order to demonstrate God’s power to them. Photos of the incident appeared on Facebook, showing congregants drinking the fluid with the caption: “The fullness of Christ is in this bottle. Healing and strange deliverance #Mark16:17 -18.”
Prophet Theo Bongani Maseko from the Breath of Christ Ministries in Daveyton had allegedly made his congregants drink the detrimental fluid, maintain: “When we pray over anything, its poison dies. So it can’t harm people. Nothing happened, no one has been to hospital.”
Talking to media he claimed that drinking the liquid had actually “saved, healed and delivered” members of his congregation. “Jesus spat on the ground and made mud. He took that mud and smeared it on the eyes of a blind man and, instantly, that blindness was healed. Mark 16 v 17-18 says ‘in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover’,” he said.
Followed by these reports, South Africa’s Commission for Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Religious, Cultural and Linguistic Communities has heaped condemnation upon the act terming it controversial and condemnable. While speaking in this connection, Chairman of the Commission for Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Religious, Cultural and Linguistic Communities, Thoko Mkhwanazi-Xaluva said that many “lives are at risk” and urged religious leaders to work together to end such “reckless” abuse. She said that there should be a body to monitor the church pastors.
At the same time, the South African Council of Churches has also condemned the act as it urged for a thorough investigation into the case. The Council further called upon South Africa’s Human Rights Commission to carry out investigations and to form a body which must be functioning to deal with leaders who behave deceitfully.
In this regard, Bishop Malusi Mpumlwana said: “Let’s have some kind of pact together, an agreement where we will have a structure that allows certain for standards to be created so that when somebody does something that is out of line, we can go there.”

Source:  Christians in Parkistan

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