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SAHRC To Investigate President Zuma’s Son: 7 Times Edward Lashed His Father’s Critics

28 July 2017

The SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has announced that it will investigate President Jacob Zuma’s son for lashing out at former finance minister Pravin Gordhan and former Tourism minister Derek Hanekom in a vitriolic open letter. The Commission said it found Edward’s letter is offensive, disturbing and that it particularly promotes hatred on the basis of race and is a clear violation of the right to freedom of expression as articulated in section 16 of the Constitution.

With respect to Zuma’s disturbing letter, SAHRC said it will now seek appropriate redress as empowered by the Constitution as well as the SAHRC Act. “The Commission is concerned by such statements being made within the broader context of hate speech‚ particularly on the basis of race‚ by individuals with a public platform,” its statement read. While delivering a speech at the University of Johannesburg on Wednesday, Edward Zuma slammed Gordhan and accused him of being a stooge of white monopoly capital. Edward Zuma alleged in his letter, read on Wednesday night: “By being the extension of whites and white monopoly capital stooge‚ Gordhan shows us of his inferiority complex to whites but superior complex to natives‚ that whites according to him and his inner world – deserve to be accorded a perpetual status as masters‚ and an African native is unimaginative to be of higher status than any race in this country (sic). “This privileged boy from Sastri College shows us that he would defend whites and their appointed crumb eaters‚ the White Monopoly Capital Indunas‚ the black parasitical political stooges at all costs.” He did not also spare former Tourism Minister Hanekom, whom he bluntly called “vile”. Zuma alleged that both men are white monopoly capital fronts and anti-majoritarian-rule activists sponsoring censures against ANC programmes and policies and “brazenly and unabashedly” speaking out against “the majority elected ANC and President Zuma, on various white monopoly capital platforms.

Edward Zuma is president Jacob Zuma’s eldest son and also perhaps the most controversial of Zuma’s 22 children. His mother was Minah Shongwe, the sister of Judge Jeremiah Shongwe. Edward, himself, has severally made headlines in South Africa. From raping a fellow student, defaulting on a multimillion loan, owing a million bucks to his wedding planner, avoiding to pay for his son’s maintenance, to allegedly dealing in contraband cigarettes – and recently feeding his father’s critics with derogatory remarks.

In October 2015, Edward shielded his father from Artist Ayanda Mabulu’s attack, saying he would physically defend his father if need be. He made the comment after Mabulu unveiled an explicit painting of President Jacob Zuma. The painting, titled Spear Down My Throat (The Pornography of Power), depicts President Zuma with his penis down the throat of a woman, who the artist said represents the country.

“My message to Ayanda Mabulu is that President J.G Zuma is a parent and one is prepared to even defend him physically if need be,” Edward said in a statement. Edward Zuma, in May 2016 accused South African billionaire Johann Rupert of capturing South Africa’s judiciary. He also accused former finance minister Trevor Manuel and Absa CEO Maria Ramos of corruption. Rupert allegedly threatened to sue Edward for the comments. September 2016, Zuma bashed his father’s critics who demanded proof that the president had paid back R7‚8 million for non-security upgrades to his private home at Nkandla. He described people’s desperation for a proof on Nkandla as “the kind of poor mental application and selective moral righteousness that have visited our country.” September 2016: After multiple sources reported that President Zuma’s brother was worried about his [Jacob] political career and his life. Edward told reporters: “Anybody who would want to kill him [Zuma]‚ would have to start killing me first because I’ll defend my father with my life.” Edward in November 2016 defended his father’s continuous leadership following pressure for him to resign. He said his father will not resign, come rain or shine. He said: “Whoever wants the president to leave might as well go somewhere and start his or her own country. That person must, in fact, begin to build his or her own country because President Zuma is not going anywhere.” February 2017: Zuma’s eldest son, once more fired harsh words to Pravin Gordhan‚ his deputy Mcebisi Jonas and former president FW de Klerk following rating agencies’ assessment. Edward said: “Pravin Gordhan‚ our much-loved finance minister‚ has shares everywhere and there are those that don’t see anything wrong with that but rather turn a blind eye because the country is being threatened by the unprogressive and questionable rating agencies.” February 2017: Zuma launched a scathing attack on Mathews Phosa in a letter after the ANC veteran/ anti-apartheid activist asked President Zuma to step down for bringing the party and country into disrepute. He wrote: “I am yet to hear you call on all banks to be probed and harshly dealt with but again I remembered that you can’t speak against them as they buy you bread and milk your masters remember. And those that think I engage on political issues because I am a Zuma then think again‚ I am an active member of the ANC and am not a member of Jacob Zuma nor does he influence my views fact to those.” According to reports, Edward Zuma is director of nearly a dozen companies and has been tied to at least 34.

Source: Buzz South Africa

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