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4 April 2018

Various residents are still locked out of their homes at the Brandwag flats in Bloemfontein.

This comes despite an agreement reached earlier between the South African Human Rights Commission and the Manguang Metro.
This morning more than 65 Bloemfontein families were evicted out of their Brandwag Municipal flats . Residents and their belongings were also left stranded in the rain before the SAHRC intervened.
4 April 2018

The sentencing of former estate agent Vicki Momberg has sparked debate about the differences in the sentences various courts have imposed for crimes stemming from similar incidents.
4 April 2018

Momberg was found guilty last year for shouting racial slurs at a black police officer trying to assist her following an alleged smash and grab incident.
4 April 2018

Despite numerous high-profile cases, South Africans are still being snared by their own social media platforms. Legalbrief reports that the latest case involves two Department of Justice employees who have been suspended after they used racial slurs to describe a colleague in Facebook exchanges.
04 April 2018

In a unanimous show of unity by its members the SA Country Clubs have invited representatives from the SA Harness Racing Club based at Globe Derby Park to attend and participate in future Country Club Meetings.
4 April 2018

The SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) received 486 racism complaints for the 2016/2017 period and most centred around hate speech and the use of the k-word, among others.
April 3, 2018

The doctors in Malamulele Hospital downed their tools on Tuesday in protest for proper working conditions.
02 April 2018

The South African Human Rights Commission has welcomed the sentence handed down to convicted racist Vicki Momberg. SAHRC Gail Smith explains. (Source: SAFM) Click here to access the video.
30 March 2018

THE South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) commemorated Human Rights month by conducting educational activities across the Harry Gwala and Ugu districts from March 12 to March 16.

Officials from the commission visited government offices such as the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) and Department of Home Affairs, schools, farming communities, clinics and the Elonwabeni Old Age Home in Kokstad.
29 March 2018

LEGAL experts have described the landmark Vicki Momberg judgment and sentence as one that will determine how the judiciary deals with prejudice related matters in future.
29 March 2018

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has welcomed the sentence which the Randburg Magistrate’s Court imposed on former estate agent Vicki Momberg on Wednesday…
29 March 2018

This emerged during a discussion on Wednesday in Johannesburg organised by the Human Rights Commission under the theme Access to Health Care for Migrants in South Africa.
29 March 2018
A landmark ruling that sent real estate agent Vicki Momberg to jail has been hailed as a major victory against racism.
Momberg yesterday became the first person to be given a prison sentence for crimen injuria.
She first became infamous when a 2016 viral video showed her using the k-word 48 times against the police officers and 10111 operators trying to help her after a smash-and-grab incident.
29 March 2018

Vicki Momberg has been sentenced to two years imprisonment for her racist rant after the court found her guilty in four counts of crimen injuria. INT: SAHRC Spokesperson Gushwell Brooks. (Source: Kaya FM) Click here to listen to the audio.
29 March 2018

Wits Centre for Diversity Studies says it hopes Vicki Momberg’s prison sentence will lead people to introspect about racism, we hear from Melissa Steyn: Wits Centre for Diversity Studies. While the SAHRC’s Tseliso Thipanyane says the sentence shows that the judiciary is sending a very clear message of non-tolerance for racism. Source: ENCA Click here to
29 March 2018

The MEC visited the hospital after a complaint involving the death of the child at the hospital was launched with the South African human rights commission earlier this month. Thabiso discusses this with the MEC who is in studio. (Source: Capricon FM) Click here to listen to the audio.
29 March 2018

Most farm evictions are illegal yet no one has ever been convicted of an illegal eviction in South Africa. This is according to Hanif Vally, Deputy Director of the Foundation for Human Rights.
29 March 2018

On Wednesday the Gauteng provincial SAHRC (South African Human Rights Commission) held a discussion on the access of health care services for migrants in South Africa.

According to the SAHRC, access to health care for migrants is hindered by the conflation of the various categories of migrants and their respective rights and entitlements, this then results to all migrants being treated as either economic migrants or as illegal migrants who have little to no legal entitlements to socio-economic rights, such as the right to proper health care.
28 March 2018

Former estate agent Vicki Momberg, who hurled the k-word at a black police officer, has been sentenced to three years in prison. SA Human Rights Commission, Gushwell Brooks, elaborates further on the issue. (Source: ENCA) Click here to view the video
28 March 2018

The presenter speaks to spokesperson for the HRC Gail Smith who says the court has set a significant president in confirming the constitution of human dignity as well as a message for others. She said the court has shown that it will not tolerate this in future and that some words are not meaningless in the context of South Africa. She says she hopes people will now get the message that hate speech is illegal. (Source: Radio 702) Click here to listen to the interview.

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The Human Rights Commission is the national institution established to support constitutional democracy. It is committed to promote respect for, observance of and protection of human rights for everyone without fear or favour.

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