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18 August 2021
Attention: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission, Western Cape Provincial Office will be hosting a Stakeholder Engagement on Access to Health with focus on Arthritis.  This stakeholder engagement is aimed at influencing and changing policy on access to health care for persons living with or suffering from this chronic illness.
Attention: Editors and Reporters

16 August 2021

The South African Human Rights Commission (“the Commission”) working in collaboration with the Kuyasa Community Horizon will be hosting a capacity building workshop to amplify basic human rights awareness with specific focus on Equality aimed at popularizing the Equality Legislation and the Toolkit that was developed by the Commission.
13 August 2021
ATT: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (the SAHRC or the Commission), is disappointed to see a xenophobic video, circulating on social media, of a person stating that non-nationals (“foreigners”) will not be allowed to open and / or run their “spaza” shop businesses in Soweto.
Attention: Editors and Reporters
Monday, 9 August 2021

The South African Human Rights Commission (the SAHRC or Commission) joins the rest of South African society in remembering and honouring women’s struggles on this 65th anniversary of the Women’s March to the Union Buildings in 1956. We pay tribute to the collective spirit of the heroines of the women’s movement who, in their diversity, united in solidarity and were prepared to pay the ultimate price in the quest for substantive gender equality.  This year’s National Women’s Day is of special significance as it is the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of struggle stalwart and human rights pioneer, Charlotte Maxeke. It is also the 25th anniversary of the country’s Constitution, whose very recognition of women’s rights as human rights is a manifestation of the gains of women’s historical claims and demands for equality.
6 August 2021

ATT: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (the SAHRC or the Commission), has resolved to probe the unrest which occurred in KZN and Gauteng during July 2021, following its unequivocal condemnation of the violence and unlawful conduct which ensued during the unrest. The SAHRC reiterates State responsibility in terms of Section 7 of the Constitution to “respect, promote and fulfil” all the rights in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution. These rights include – but are not limited to - equality, human dignity, freedom and security of the person, freedom of movement and residence, freedom of trade, occupation and profession, and various socio-economic rights such as housing, health care, food, water, and education.
3 August 2021
Attention: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (Commission) welcomes the Constitutional Court’s judgment in the matter of Qwelane v South African Human Rights Commission and Another [2021] ZACC 22, which was handed down by the apex court on Friday, 30 July 2021. The seminal judgment, which brings an end to protracted proceedings that commenced thirteen years ago, brings much-anticipated legal certainty in the sphere of hate speech.
29 July 2021
Attention: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) and Bondev Property Management Company (Bondev) met today and concluded a round of fruitful talks over a circular issued concerning the COVID-19 vaccination programme at Midstream Estate Barracks (estate) in the City of Ekurhuleni.
27 July 2021  

The issue of riots, crime, and violence in South Africa is a growing concern as it presents a significant obstacle to human rights and respect for the rule of law in the country. Where there is unrest and violence in the country it goes without saying that human rights violations are present, if not rife. The recent looting and destruction were unparalleled and must be condemned in the strongest terms. They, however, demonstrate that crime and violence remain a disease in our society that must be cured in order for the country to pursue the visions of a country united in diversity.
27 July 2021
Attention: Editors and Reporters

In July 2020 the SAHRC received a complaint from a member of the public relating to the social media account known as “Tracy Zille”. It appeared from the account that a white woman was making disparaging, racist and harassing comments towards black women in particular.
From a closer inspection, and after an expose in the media, it was reported that the Tracy Zille account was in fact run by one Mr Anthony Mathumba, a local councillor from the Makhado Local Municipality. It was further reported that Mr Mathumba was generating an income from making these disparaging and inflammatory comments online through companies he owned and registered to which social media users were directed.
Attention: Editors and Reporters
27 JULY 2021

Over the years, the Commission has received and investigated service delivery complaints against various local municipalities in Mpumalanga. The issues raised in the various complaints included the failure by municipalities to provide water and housing, sewage spillages, sewage treatment challenges, electricity outages, non-collection of refuse and potholes on the roads.
27 July 2021
ATT: Editors and Reporters

Following complaints of racism raised during peaceful protests on Monday, 31 May 2021, the SAHRC initiated an investigation into the environment and pupil’s experiences at Cornwall Hill College.
Attention Editors and Reporters

22 July 2021

The South African Human Rights Commission (the SAHRC or the Commission) has noted, with shock and sadness, reports on the on-going taxi violence that is taking place in the Western Cape, particularly in the Cape Town Metropolitan area. The Commission is concerned and appeals for tolerance in the midst of the escalating violence between the two Taxi Associations (CODETA and CATA) which also directly impacts on the safety, livelihood and lives of communities, commuters and the general public.  Such conduct is extremely concerning, particularly given that it is impacting communities that already face great hardship amidst the current restrictions related to the COVID 19 pandemic, and resultant economic downturn. The Commission therefore strongly urges all parties to continue with engagements aimed at finding common ground and a peaceful resolution to the dispute.
20 July 2021

ATT: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (the SAHRC or the Commission), following the widespread violence and looting in parts of South Africa last week, will be hosting a dialogue on Friday, 23rd July 2021, to be followed by a series of stakeholder engagements.
Attention Editors and Reporters
20 July 2021

The South African Human Rights Commission (Commission) has noted, with shock and sadness, reports that the recent riots in KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng has resulted in the looting and burning of over 30 schools. This includes schools in Amajuba, Ugu and Pinetown districts, together with education district offices in the two provinces. With schools set to reopen next week, on 26 July 2021, the Commission is concerned that the aftermath of the civil unrest, along with the effects of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, will lead to further learning losses and school drop outs.
Attention Editors and Reporters

16 July 2021

The South African Human Rights Commission (the Commission) on the eve of Mandela Day, calls on all people within South Africa to recommit themselves to the rule of law.
13 July 2021

ATT: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (the SAHRC or the Commission) is growing ever more concerned with the escalation of violent protests leading to major damage and loss of property. Protests against the incarceration of former President Jacob Zuma continue to erupt across South Africa, with numerous reports of looting, damage to property and violence emerging through social and mainstream media throughout the weekend and continuing well into Tuesday, 13 July 2021.
10 July 2021
ATT: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (the SAHRC or the Commission) calls for calm and condemns the violence and damage to public and private property   that have characterized some of the sporadic protests in various parts of Kwa-Zulu Natal. It is understood that those behind the demonstrations are against the incarceration of former President Jacob Zuma.
09 July 2021
ATT: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (“Commission”) is deeply shocked by reports that the Charlotte Maxeke Hospital, which was closed after being gutted by fire in April, has now being looted of copper piping alleged to be worth R30 Million rands. These reports come at a time when the hospital and the Gauteng health care system are still contending with the negative impact that the fire damage has had on the provision of healthcare services to thousands of hospital users. The Commission has since confirmed these reports with the CEO of the hospital and awaits further updates.

Date: Wednesday, 07 July 2021  
For immediate release

Attention: Editors/ News desks

The Public Protector South Africa (PPSA) and the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) will this week reveal the outcomes of a joint-investigation launched a little over two years ago on the back of a spate of violent service delivery protests in Alexandra township, north of Johannesburg.   
5 July 2021

Attention: Editors and Reporters

The South African Human Rights Commission (The Commission) has in recent times, noted with grave concerns growing incidents of bullying and violence in schools throughout the country. Bullying can have demoralising effects on learners who are victims as it can impact on their mental wellbeing, physical health, academic performance, self-esteem and relationships with other learners at school and other people in the community. Recently, the country witnessed an incident in Limpopo where a learner committed suicide following the release of a video of her being physically attacked by another learner. It is against this context that the Commission in the Northern Cape Province will be hosting a Dialogue on Bullying and Violence at Schools.

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The Human Rights Commission is the national institution established to support constitutional democracy. It is committed to promote respect for, observance of and protection of human rights for everyone without fear or favour.

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